Patti Smith collapsed mid-gig last night ... Unfortunately during last night’s gig at Teatro Cultura Artística in São Paulo, Brazil, Smith became unwell, falling backwards mid-gig and ...
Patti Smith wants fans to know she's "fine" after making headlines for an onstage collapse at a concert Wednesday. Smith was at the Cultura Artística Theater in São Paulo, Brazil when she ...
and later told fans the incident "does not merit so much attention" Patti Smith is assuring fans that she is “absolutely fine” after a “small incident” onstage while performing in Brazil.
Smith's latest collaboration with the Soundwalk Collective was recently exhibited at Kurimanzutto in New York.
11 (UPI) --Patti Smith announced an upcoming tour to commemorate the 50th anniversary of her iconic album Horses. The news comes just weeks after Smith, 78, paused a performance in Brazil amid ...
Credit: Getty Images/Venla Shalin Patti Smith collapsed mid-gig last ... s gig at Teatro Cultura Artística in São Paulo, Brazil, Smith became unwell, falling backwards mid-gig and appearing ...
Patti Smith has announced an international tour in ... two weeks after Smith collapsed on stage during a performance in Brazil. She assured fans shortly after that the situation was not serious ...