Living hominoids (apes) are united by features related to their unusual locomotion, but few such traits are found in the earliest fossil forms. Which adaptations were likely present in the ...
Dentro de la superfamilia Hominoidea, los gibones son el grupo externo: esto significa que el resto de los hominoideos están más estrechamente relacionados entre ellos que con los gibones. Este ...
Hepatitis B is inflammation of the liver in hominoidea, including humans, caused by the hepatitis B virus. The virus is transmitted by parenteral exposure, such as by exposure to infectious blood ...
Los gibones son el grupo actual más basal de los Hominoidea, habiendo divergido de la línea principal mucho más temprano que el resto (orangután, gorila, chimpancé y humano). Muchos biólogos ...
The gibbons (family Hylobatidae) occupy a key node in the primate phylogenetic tree. They are characterised by an accelerated rate of evolutionary chromosomal rearrangements. To date, despite much ...
Chimpanzees are one of our closest living relative. Like humans, they live in multi-male multi-female communities following fission-fusion dynamics. Their evolutionary and social closeness makes them ...
Part 5: Superfamily Hominoidea.. British Museum (Natural History) : London. 137. Jenkins PD (1989) Mammals, In: Key works to the fauna and flora of the British Isles and northwestern Europe, Simms RW ...
While the human brain is clearly large relative to body size, less is known about the timing of brain and brain component expansion within primates and the relative magnitude of volumetric increases.
FamDB is a modular HDF5-based export format and query tool developed for offline access to the Dfam database of transposable element and repetitive DNA families. FamDB stores family sequence models ...
El Código Internacional de Nomenclatura Zoológica (conocido por sus siglas en inglés: ICZN) tiene como propósito fundamental proporcionar la máxima universalidad y continuidad de los nombres ...