A learn-by-doing approach to professional education is the crux of the program, at the only accredited school of architecture and planning in the SUNY system. From the studio to the community, ...
Now, thanks to a dedicated community effort, it's thriving again with a lively arts scene, historic architecture, and an array of rare antique shops. Laurel has plenty to boast about: Mississippi ...
For students with undergraduate and professional backgrounds in interior design or architecture, the MSIA allows in-depth specialization, interdisciplinary research, and custom paths of study. The MS ...
Rosenwald Schools have served as living legacies of Black history in the South for a century. Over the years, the schools have been gradually declining or abandoned, leaving the historic school ...
There are no soaring works of architecture without architectural engineers. As the partner discipline to architecture, architectural engineering informs great design by helping to create buildings ...
The architectural engineering graduate degree allows you to tailor ... Study track options include taking coursework only, a report (mini-thesis, not for committee), or a full MS thesis (presented to ...