Tree performance is generally considered as the consequence of the interplay between ecological and evolutionary processes.
Researchers in the Antarctic Peninsula have discovered a new species of Antarctic dragonfish, a new journal study shows.
With 84 species currently described, Characidium may be the most diverse fish genus known to science. This is the conclusion ...
The senator froze for a moment before delivering a “yes.” Then, after several other candidates expressed their disagreement, ...
Coelacanths are deep-sea fish that live off the coasts of southern Africa and Indonesia and can reach up to two meters in ...
Are the world's oldest 'living fossil' coelacanths still evolving? Groundbreaking fossil research links plate tectonics with ...
This study enhances our understanding of Australian citrus phylogeny, emphasizing their unique status within the genus and ...
Scientists have estimated the size of an extinct flying reptile called a pterosaur, based on fragments of a fossil finger ...
Through a process called phylogeny, which Corso said uses the rate of genetic mutation as a guide to find a species’ ...
Through time-calibrated phylogeny, Corso and his colleague Thomas Desvignes from the University of Oregon’s Institute of ...
A recent study published in Water Biology and Security highlighted the significant role of food source variations in shaping ...