The Western way of life is under threat. Liberal democracy is threatened by the undermining of trust in its institutions and ...
The Heritage Foundation blueprint has become absolute poison for Trump, who has been desperately trying to run away from it.
Postmodernism is a weird place to be. There is no real truth anymore, only narrative. Each person can have their own truth, and who are we to judge? Exceptions are ...
The collusion of the mainstream media with this regime has drawn a screen over the real situation our country is in.
Despite the historical inaccuracy and poor results of CRT/DEI programs, they have been embraced by teachers unions and ...
The events of 9/11 opened a new chapter in global affairs, wherein the ‘war on terror’ became the new buzzword to invade nation-states that were tyrannical in their disposition. The Tribune, now ...
Since the inception of transparency, coupled with mass participation in elections starting in 1975, an inescapable conclusion ...
Every now and then, a low-budget film emerges from outside the studio system and catches fire with the largely ignored ...
Just as energy can be hidden within matter waiting to be tapped into, have we also been sensing the energy of those around us ...
Jacob Mikanowski, in his book 'Goodbye, Eastern Europe', argues that Eastern Europe no longer exists as a unified identity, ...
Social Media, Infodemic, Trust, Infox, SARF, Fake News, Disinformation, BERT, VADER Share and Cite: Banyongen, S. (2024) Infodemic: Social Media and the Amplification of the COVID-19 Crisis in Canada.