Almost three-quarters of Ireland's working population would like to retire by age 60 or sooner, according to new research.
Nor, they say, is the Government taking sufficient climate action to minimise the potential cost. They say the ultimate ...
By 1845, one-third of U.K. residents lived in Ireland and nearly all of them relied on a single potato strain—a disaster ...
Life expectancy in Ireland is the fifth highest in the EU at 82.6 years. Since 2015, the population has grown by 14.8pc – the population aged 65 and over grew by 36.5pc between 2015 and 2024.
According to the paper, “Trends in the Religious Composition of the Population of the Republic of Ireland 1946-71”, between 1946 and 1971 the total Protestant population declined from 158,000 ...
This is almost double the number of ‘insane under care’ in 1880 - something made all the more remarkable by the fact that the population of Ireland actually declined by approximately 800,000 ...