The reports of a 'breach' are greatly exaggerated. What the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal lacks in relevance it sure makes up for in melodramatic rhetoric. Take Bloomberg, for instance ...
Lawmakers are calling for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to testify in the wake of a massive data scandal centered around the political research company, Cambridge Analytica, and how it harvested ...
British parliamentarians have asked Mark Zuckerberg to give them evidence in person on the Cambridge Analytica scandal. His usual tactic when pressed by MPs is to distance himself and send ...
On stage at TED, the journalist who helped expose the Cambridge Analytica scandal rebuked the heads of Facebook and other tech giants for helping erode democracy. The company said that Facebook ...
Facebook was also issued a £500,000 penalty in the UK, where the scandal was examined by the nation's data protection authority following a raid on Cambridge Analytica's premises. The now-defunct ...
Christopher Wylie, whose public comments set off the recent scandal over the data analytics firm's use of Facebook data in its work with the Trump campaign, said Cambridge Analytica's talks of plans ...
It means Facebook will have to face a class action lawsuit over accusations it misled investors about the Cambridge Analytica data scandal, which stemmed from the company using data from tens of ...
ABC News reported Wednesday that Special Counsel Robert Mueller will look at the intersections of Cambridge Analytica, the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee. Facebook’s role in the ...
Mark Zuckerberg tried to get Facebook into China, where it is blocked, for well over a decade. According to a whistleblower ...
The FTC's ruling came nearly 18 months after the scandal first broke. The FTC had previously accused Cambridge Analytica, app developer Kogan, and CEO Alexander Nix of collecting millions of ...
Sheryl Sandberg, Meta’s former Chief Operating Officer, is facing mounting legal challenges related to the Cambridge Analytica scandal as a Delaware judge has sanctioned Sandberg for allegedly ...