There have been some concerns that pre-training on text is hitting a wall in AI model development, and there might be ...
Two trailblazing computer scientists have won the 2024 Turing Award for their work in reinforcement learning, a discipline in ...
Yann LeCun is both a giant in the field of AI but also a major skeptic of the ultimate potential of large language models. He ...
Too fast, too untested, too profit-oriented: Turing Award winners Andrew Barto and Richard Sutton criticize AI developments.
This year’s Turing Award goes to Andrew Barto and Richard Sutton, two researchers who have warned against A.I.’s rapid development.
Geoff Hinton and Yann LeCun both join advisory board of CuspAI, which aims to find novel materials that can help in the fight ...
Two trailblazing computer scientists have won the 2024 Turing Award for their work in reinforcement learning, a discipline in which machines learn through a reward ...