The president's move has brought into question the political and financial viability of the proposed wind farms, including two off Brunswick County.
The letter addresses two sets of rules. One regulates how utilities manage coal combustion waste, known as coal ash. The second set of regulations sets deadlines for coal power plant retirement and caps how much or how often natural gas generators can run.
Organizations across North Carolina can apply for the grants, which are awarded in increments up to $25,000, between now and April 25.
Duke Energy — which is headquartered in Charlotte and serves millions of customers in North Carolina — expanded its assistance programs to help customers pay their energy bills, the company announced Friday, Feb. 14.
Duke Energy is committed to serving its customers and communities and offers programs and resources to help customers who may be experiencing trouble paying utility expenses due to financial hardships.
The North Carolina Department of Labor has fined Duke Energy more than $16K following an investigation into the electrocution of a lineman last summer.
Duke Energy crews are in New Bern, ready to respond to any power outages from the winter weather. A total of 150 trucks and 300 people are waiting to help restore power if need be. There are more crews in Jacksonville.
At DTECH, Duke Energy's Jason Handley will discuss everything from grid investment strategies to DER resilience benefits.
Today, Duke ... Duke Energy announced the launch of a new grant opportunity, offering $500,000 in funding to support organizations leading long-term recovery efforts in western North Carolina.
When Duke Energy opened Cowans Ford Dam’s floodgates, Mountain Island Lake experienced nearly 8 feet of flooding despite the Charlotte area receiving only around 4 inches of rain.
All four UNC guards tried to catch their breath with five minutes remaining in the fourth quarter. The UNC women's basketball team was exhausted.
Duke Energy crews are in New Bern, ready to respond to any power outages from winter weather.