The FAA said it issued a license authorizing the SpaceX Starship Flight 8 launch for the combined Starship/Super Heavy vehicle from Boca Chica, Texas after the company completed a required safety review overseen by the agency.
The FAA has given its approval for the next flight of SpaceX’s Starship even while the investigation into the failed previous flight continues.
Orlando International Airport officials announced they were briefly under a Federal Aviation Administration "ground stop" because of space launch debris.
Federal regulators have closed an investigation into what went wrong when a SpaceX Starship spacecraft — part of the most powerful launch system ever constructed — exploded during a January test flight.
Por Jackie Wattles, CNN Los reguladores federales despejaron el camino para que SpaceX lance otro vuelo de prueba después de que su nave espacial Starship —parte del sistema de lanzamiento más poderos
Scientists lost contact with SpaceX's Starship 8 minutes after launch Thursday, the first test flight since the Starship 7 exploded in January.