Nickelodeon launches Avatar Studios, a dedicated studio for expanding the Avatar: The Last Airbender universe, including The Legend of Korra and new projects. This video explores the excitement, potential concerns, and what Avatar Studios needs to do to keep these stories fresh and meaningful.
Former President Jimmy Carter teamed up with the Friends of the Boundary Waters during his administration, to help back up his efforts around the Boundary Water Canoe Area Wilderness. “There’s been a lot of sacrifice,
Carter believed in government as a tool to promote the common good − not as the source of ultimate good, but as a reflection of the moral obligations we owe to one another.
ELY, Minn.– Following the death of former president Jimmy Carter, he left behind quite the legacy for the Boundary Waters. After his recent death back in December, Friends of the Boundary Waters are looking back at his impact fondly.
For some it is antithetical to put others first. They think it is foolish to deny selfishness. Self-interest was not in Jimmy Carter’s wheelhouse.
Carter’s advisors viewed Khomeini as a stabilizing figure and an ally to American interests — a catastrophic misjudgment.”
Opinion: Take a walk down memory lane with me as I recount the early excitement and adventure of living and working in the nation's capital.
Like many in our country, I was captivated by the tributes and memorials for former President Jimmy Carter following his death after a century of life and over 75 years
Former President Jimmy Carter, the 39th U.S. President, died in Plains, Georgia, on Dec. 29, 2024, at age 100. He was the longest-living American president.
Before Christmas 2022, this was the signature blizzard in Buffalo, even with modest snowfall. Here's how it happened.
What do George Wallace, Hubert Humphrey, Henry Jackson, Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan have in common? Each would have made a better president for the years 1977-1981 than Jimmy Carter.