A Looney Tunes Movie” is one of the animated delights of the year. In the franchise’s first fully 2D-animated theatrical ...
Mashable is a global, multi-platform media and entertainment company.
Wait, what year is it in again? All things Y2K have been having a bit of a moment, but the revival seems to have just reached ...
In a statement to Windows Central, Microsoft has confirmed that it's unifying its news content services under the MSN brand once again.
Here are some fun videos for you to watch created by graphic designer Kostya Petrenko. He has been creating retro 1980s-style logos for modern brands like Netflix, Spotify, Google, and OpenAI. Some of ...
There's more than meets the eye on the famous Coke logo. Here are all the details, plus the evolution of this distinctive design.
The closer one looks at his claim to “an unprecedented and powerful mandate,” the worse the president-elect’s argument ...
We know Trump and his allies will try to subvert and alter the constitutional order. But we must remember, their success is ...
Taylor Swift has made over a dozen appearances at Chiefs games. Her gameday fashion has ranged from forgettable to luxe and ...