Indeed, practically every religion has developed misconceptions over time. These misconceptions are often based on faulty or ...
A large, representative survey contradicts stereotypes about people of faith being driven by politics, intolerant of ...
I’m curious about your take on Pope Francis’ statement this week that various religions are like different languages, which ...
In an era when many faithful lament theological confusion and fear the watering down of Christianity, Pope Francis did little ...
During a three-day visit to Singapore, Pope Francis declared that all religions are a path to God, sparking backlash among ...
God is odd about sex. The Bible and Christian writings are odder yet. If all this weirdness affected only believers, it would ...
Pope Francis spoke one of the most profound teachings that I’ve heard on religion. “God is God for all, and if God is God for ...
From August 14 to 18, 2023, I attended a Parliament of the World Religions in Chicago. The gathering drew together more than ...
For example, after the Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry expressed support for Harris in part because of her support ...
It’s hard to fault lawmakers for letting religious beliefs guide decisions, but where is the line between following morals ...
Practitioners of different religious traditions marched down Rio de Janeiro's iconic Copacabana Beach on Sunday to support ...
Ohio has a tapestry of religions now, many with historical roots tied to the setate's early settlement. But numerous ...