IT is sad, if not highly disturbing, that the current President of the USA appears so ignorant of world history. It is also very disappointing ...
One of the best-known antisemitic slogans of the August 2017 ‘Unite the Right’ white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, has come to be ‘Jews will not replace us’. But this is not where ...
Eerik Kross & Greg Mills says Washington is known to cut and run, considering only their own interests On the third anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Donald Trump’s government is ...
“Magnificence” is the quality of being “deserving to be admired.” One might notice that it is related, at least now, to the word “magnify.” To look closely at the fibers of a thing in ...
In a single, disconcerting moment, everything shifted. It defies explanation: harsh authoritarianism—sometimes cloaked in a pitiless communist guise—now stands as the model to emulate. As unlikely as ...
When an ambitious young lawyer takes on a big case against a powerful and ruthless executive of a large pharmaceutical company, he soon finds himself involved in a case of blackmail and corruption.