My wife was my only partner in sex and that was after marriage.” Sandusky went on to claim that the victims were in the wrong ...
HARRISBURG — At least 19 young men have settled with Penn State over assertions of abuse by former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, according to lawyers for the claimants. Many ...
Sandusky police said Toldrck Griffin made “some admissions” to the crime and told officers he and the victim had an argument. According to police, an Ohio State Highway Patrol trooper found a ...
My friend points out the part of grand jury testimony in which Sandusky is reported to have said to the mother of one of his victims, “I was wrong. I wish I could get forgiveness. I know I won ...
Sandusky police said Toldrick Griffin made “some admissions” to the crime and told officers he and the victim had an argument. According to police, an Ohio State Highway Patrol trooper found a ...
Disgraced former Penn State football coach Jerry Sandusky insisted he was innocent in an interview from prison more than 10 ...
Police arrested Toldrick Griffin Jr. on Feb. 10, after a woman was found dead in a bed inside a home on Perry Street.
Sandusky argued his victims should not have been able to testify about sexual abuse memories of which were allegedly repressed; the court was not persuaded.
Timothy Higle, a former East China School District substitute teacher, has been arrested for allegedly soliciting nude images from teen girls. East China School District notified parents of the arrest ...
contends the victim is unknown — was not called to the stand to testify on Sandusky’s behalf. The prosecution withheld information from the defense, it was contended, and failed to counter the ...
HARRISBURG — A Penn State University trustee who told a publication he was “running out of sympathy” for people he described as “so-called victims” of Jerry Sandusky said Wednesday he is ...
Dottie Sandusky and five of her children released a statement saying they are standing by Jerry Matthew Sandusky spoke out Thursday in his first TV interview since Jerry Sandusky was convicted and ...