LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A new proposal from Jefferson County Public schools would merge two elementary schools and split a middle school into two buildings.
The Kentucky Senate adopted a compromise on a bill that could both keep a low-performing virtual school open & grant calamity days to weather-stricken districts.
Republicans are promoting private school choice, while Democrats are discussing K-12 funding increases. Most governors, however, are dodging the question of how to boost student achievement through ...
The sponsor said the House voted not to concur with a bill that merged relief for weather-ravaged districts with protection ...
After high school, Kimball attended the New England Conservatory ... the street from Westbrook Music Building. Historian Jim McKee, who still writes with a fountain pen, invites comments or ...
A House bill that would seek to give school districts flexibility with making up lost days due to recent floods passed ...
A bill that began as relief for Kentucky schools from weather-related closures was transformed by the Senate Thursday into ...
The age at which Kentuckians would be allowed to carry concealed firearms could drop from 21 to 18 under Senate Bill 75. It ...
Kentucky's Department of Education receives more than $1 billion in federal funds through the U.S. Department of Education.
One Louisville high school has already implemented the ban that's inspired the bill. Here's how it works there.
Pike County Superintendent Freddie Bowling said school will remain closed for another 10 days, and the school day will have an additional 10 minutes when students return.
Kentucky schools have faced numerous closures and disruptions ... House Bill 241, introduced by Timmy Truett, R-McKee, would allow districts to meet a requirement of 1,062 hours of instruction ...