My Melbourne’ had its world premiere at the 15th Indian Film Festival of Melbourne 2024, and is now running at theatres ...
Gill kicked off a firestorm of criticism and controversy this week when he posted to X, “Multiculturalism will tear our country apart.” ...
Brandon Gill (R-Texas) is married to Danielle D’Souza, the daughter of Indian-American conservative political commentator Dinesh D’Souza. In his freshman term, Gill has a ...
This post responds to Elon Musk's comment, “The fundamental weakness of Western civilization is empathy,” by considering the ...
NYU is home to over 400 clubs and organizations, including multicultural dance teams that are rich in tradition and culture, ...
Organizations built to create spaces for multicultural individuals are crucial in allowing them to find community between ...
U.S. tensions, Québec faces unique challenges in preserving its distinct identity, language and culture within Canada.