The new business is opening for a preview of sorts starting on Saturday, but its owners haven’t quite finished the kitchen or ...
The Wichita Wagonmasters are hosting the “Old Town Wagon ‘O Masters Paddy Party” on Saturday. The lead organizer discussed what it takes to transform Old Town for the party. The organizer says it ...
Mortdecai’s, 330 S. Greenwich: This bar will celebrate both its fourth anniversary and St. Patrick’s Day at a big bash from 5 ...
When Huber and Carla Pineda decided to leave Sacramento and relocate to Kansas, they knew two things: They wanted to open ...
Police logged 946 traffic accidents at various intersections both busy and tame across town during that ... lighting and cover the old ditches. But the city of Wichita Falls times the lights ...
Months after the news broke that the Wichita Falls Gun and Knife show was leaving the MPEC, another show has taken its place.
Even by Plains standards, this was an unusually large, violent tornado outbreak so early in spring. One Kansas tornado was ...
The City of Salina has chosen not to comment on the situation due to ongoing litigation. Lawyers with the Kansas Justice ...
Eat your way around the U.S.A. with our guide to signature foods in every state that you can try on the cheap. Get the ...
Abilene is 90 miles and less than a tank of gas away from Wichita. You know it as the boyhood home of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. But did you know that Abilene also has a historic mansion, a ...
Madness has come through downtown on 10 previous occasions, starting with a 1976 trip to the Providence Civic Center.