Tour guide Drew Hamilton recounts the moment he captured close-up footage of a mother polar bear cuddling with her cub near ...
Tera is a Brazil-made crossover that looks like a shrunken Tiguan and will go on sale in the first half of this year ...
The Carnival is in full swing as music, glam and glee continue to dominate the streets of Rio de Janeiro. Samba school Unidos ...
Rio de Janeiro's massive Sambadrome erupted in noisy celebrations Sunday as the news broke that Brazil won its first Oscar, ...
Subtle hand signs coordinate the hundreds of pounding drummers in each of Rio de Janeiro’s glitzy Carnival parades.
Superstar Anitta has won over pop music fans in Brazil and abroad, even more so since she added English and Spanish singing ...
Tens of thousands of cheering fans pack the bleachers of Rio de Janeiro’s Sambadrome to see the first night of the top samba ...
Rio Mayor Eduardo Paes's administration will buy the house where the film was shot so it can be transformed into a cinema museum.
A Carnival parade in Rio de Janeiro will present the story of a trans woman nearly burned at the stake in the 16th century as ...
Brazil’s Carnival muse this year isn’t one of the divas or drum queens parading with the Rio de Janeiro samba schools.
Tens of thousands of cheering fans pack the bleachers of Rio de Janeiro’s Sambadrome to see the first night of the top samba ...
During Carnival, the small Brazilian town of Sao Luiz do Paraitinga’s calm everyday life transforms into a joyful party known ...