The study asked about the intended and eventual usage of AI in requests for support in audiovisual projects, revealing low ...
Il film d'esordio di Stefan Djordjevic promette di essere un'esplorazione cinematografica intima dell'eterno rapporto ...
I corti e le coproduzioni europee hanno portato a casa la maggior parte dei premi, tra cui il Gran Premio della giuria per il ...
El primer largometraje de Stefan Djordjevic promete ser una íntima exploración cinematográfica de la relación intemporal que ...
The industry platform is gearing up for another impactful edition, bringing together global professionals, presenting ...
Stefan Djordjevic's feature debut promises to be an intimate cinematic exploration of the timeless mother-son relationship ...
Las (co)producciones europeas se han llevado la mayoría de los premios, incluyendo el Gran Premio del Jurado por el ...
The directors’ upcoming projects in development, You Crazy Thing and Honor of Persia, have received the two awards up for ...
European shorts and co-productions have taken home the majority of awards, including the Grand Jury Prize for the UK documentary The Flowers Stand Silently, Witnessing ...
The winners of the festival’s 60th edition include Maja Tschumi and Nicola Bellucci’s titles, alongside Nikola Ilić’s short film Exit Through The Cuckoo’s Nest ...
31/01/2025 - Le palmarès de la 60e édition du festival comprend le film de Maja Tschumi et celui de Nicola Bellucci, sans oublier le court métrage Exit Through The Cuckoo’s Nest de Nikola Ilić ...
31/01/2025 - L’Autrichien Thomas Fürhapter ouvre de vastes champs de pensée en immergeant sa caméra observatrice et minimaliste sur les différentes et multiples dimensions et territoires du nettoyage ...