A group of contractors called the D3 Osc-Ca Consortium, which features Metrostav DS and Hungarian company Duna Aszfalt in addition to Vahostav, is some €76 million lower than the estimated value of ...
UNICEF Slovakia has pointed to the fact that Ukrainian refugees in Slovakia continue to face huge challenges mainly in terms of housing, nutrition and employment, spokesman for the UNICEF Office in ...
Speaking on JOJ 24's discussion programme 'Politika 24' (Politics 24) on Sunday, Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) said that the election of the House chair will be an important ...
The consolidation, which is expected to reach €2 billion next year, will be increased by the reform of social services financing, said Labour Minister Erik Tomas (Voice-SD) on STVR's discussion ...
Speaking on STVR's discussion programme 'O 5 minut 12' (Five Minutes to Twelve) on Sunday, Labour Minister and coalition Voice-SD party vice-chair Erik Tomas said that there's still the potential for ...
The rail service on a more than 11-kilometre section of track between Hronsky Benadik and Nova Bana (both in Banska Bystrica region), which is currently being reconstructed by rail-infrastructure ...
When it comes to peace in Ukraine, Slovakia's interests match those of the United States of America, with US President Donald Trump standing up for his country's interests, Interior Minister and Voice ...
Bratislava 3. marca (TASR) - Čiastočná uzávera diaľnice D2 pred tunelom Sitina v Bratislave sa začala 1. marca a potrvá do 20. marca. Týka sa úseku mostov medzi mestskými časťami Dúbravka a Lamač. Dôv ...
Odorín 3. marca (TASR) - Pri vážnej dopravnej nehode, ktorá sa v pondelok ráno stala pri obci Odorín na Spiši, sa zranili traja ľudia. Jednu maloletú osobu musel do nemocnice previesť vrtuľník. Krajsk ...
Bratislava 3. marca (TASR) - Premávka električiek v Bratislave je po rannej zrážke s chodcom obnovená. Informuje o tom na svojom webe Dopravný podnik Bratislava (DPB). K zrážke došlo na Račianskej uli ...
Bratislava, March 3 (TASR) - Foreign and European Affairs Minister Juraj Blanar (Smer-SD) is set to depart for Lisbon to meet with his Portuguese counterpart on Wednesday (March 5) where they will hol ...
Hlohovec 3. marca (TASR) - Mesto Hlohovec predĺžilo o tri dni lehotu na predkladanie ponúk v rámci verejného obstarávania na zhotoviteľa revitalizácie športoviska v areáli Základnej školy (ZŠ) Podzáms ...
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